I have been transcribing bass lines for about 40 years, initially a terrible load of old scribble but once I got my notation chops together things got to look a lot neater. From about the age of 18 I started taking down bass lines and solos in manuscript books which I still have. These days I work in Sibelius but I'm also slowly getting around to transferring the pencil to computer and fixing a few mistakes!
It is a real mixture of styles,everything from bass lines to sax solos. I take things down just with a pen paper and a start note, working out the chord changes first, then the notes. It is a challenge but helps improve the ear. Also if you have the chord structure mapped out it is easier to see how things fit through the changes.
I shall be posting up some transcriptions soon with some accompanying info about how to approach them and things that I look out for in them.